What Is Motion Design?
duckmotion.be Numerous individuals are unacquainted with what exactly the term ‘ motion design ’ means. Firstly, the term ‘motion design’ is a short term for ‘motion graphic design.’ As the name proposes, it is made of 3 elements: motion, graphics, and design. It is a mixture of graphics that are moving in space and time. As technologies endure to make ground-breaking solutions in the world of experimental design, motion design is becoming increasingly common. It was first used as an application in film making and video production with the use of computer graphics and visual effects. There are some examples of motion design: Animated films Videos Animated text Web-based applications. Creators use a range of software and additional tools to create motion graphics. The most prevalent tool used by motion graphic artists is Adobe After Effects, which permits for generating and adjusting graphics with an additional element of time. Adobe Flash is similarly used to generate motion design...